Squenix fun

I can't wait until Kingdom Hearts II is released here...only weeks away! The first Kindgom Hearts is one of my fave games, so I'm pretty hyped for this one's release. The next great escape from reality? Naturally.
On Sunday night, Jennifer Garner presented at the Oscars, and was already looking great, coming out of a pregancy and everything. But in my eyes, Nicole Kidman looked the best. She's like a real-life fairy or something. ^_^
Also, I found this pic of Hitomi (YG) on her blog:

I wish there were posters for Advent Children like that over here. I wanna take a picture in front of one. I also wish I didn't have to wait until the end of April for it to come out... >_<
Less than 8 weeks left of my first year of college-38 days total; 23 more Video and Math classes; and 15 more Psychology, Journalism, and Literature classes, to be exact, haha. The year just flew by...
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