Cause I'm Gonna Love You, Each And Every Day, No More Work, Just A Lot Of Play, Having Big Fun, Under The Sun, Because
--"Big Fun", S Club 8
big fun
After days of effort I've finally figured why "Big Fun" by S Club 8 hooked me so fast after hearing it. It isn't merely because the group reminds me of my MMC days (take note, Janet) what with their youth, talent for singing, and arguably some of the catchiest pop songs ever, though that has a lot do with it. The real reason is far more insidious and ingenious. The real reason why I can't expel "Big Fun" from my thoughts is simple.
The beat is bloody based on "The Hustle". If you doubt me, just take a listen to the video above when it gets 1:48 in. There it is, the retro 70s classic in all its glory.
It's either that reason or because I'm easily distracted by clever choreography.
What I can't fully understand is why I listen to blatant pop songs in the first place. I mean--I consider myself to have discerning tastes. I listen to Rilo Kiley's songs covering topics like opposing the president and what it's like to be in an abusive relationship. I listen to Nellie McKay's call for a protest of Columbia University due to their propensity for testing on animals. Hell, I've even been known to listen to a Decemberist song or two which really belong in a Melville novel or something. Yet why do I also find myself listening to the likes of S Club 8, The MMC, PC Quest, and M2M? How can I mention songs about puppy love and partying in the same sentence as The Pierces' song about the disaffectation of American society? I really shouldn't be able to mention them in the same breath.
I guess that's my problem. I am a man serving two masters. On one hand, I love twisty, philosophical, and intelligent lyrics which explore mature themes. I love the way a Cure song can make my heart feel so sad and still capture my imagination. But, on the other hand, there is something about a well-crafted and terse pop song that is almost instinctually satisfying to me. I love how a good pop song can engage me on a basic level to want to sing along or get up and dance. I love how almost every pop song says the same damn thing (how nice love is, you should be happy, life is beautiful, &c...), yet manage to put their own unique spin on the theme. It's much like a good country song. You know what's coming, but you're always suprised at the presentation. I cannot honestly put my finger on which I love more. If I were a pretentious man, I wouldn't even admit to listening to the likes of the A*Teens because I know a grown man shouldn't be interested in the goings-on of teenagers. But it's really hard to find a good pop song recorded by adults for adults. So I go on loving them both.
I just don't see the need to distinguish between these two tastes. After all, people go to the latest fluff blockbuster one week and then a small artistic indie movie the next week without getting hassled. Or, more immediately, people read the newspaper every morning, yet like to get into the next big page-turner later that night. We all have needs to be met and, sad to say, one type of writing or film or, yes, music is enough to satisfy every craving. Sure, you may like to listen to Classic mostly, but every once in a while you've got to re-train your ears to something entirely different. As my friend once put it, you may like steak, but that doesn't mean you can eat it every night.
That would be amazing, though, if I could find totally innocuous lyrics set to artistically imperative music. If there were such a concoction that could engage both the mind and heart, I would be so down for that. It would be a thing of beauty.
But for now I must sail the choppy waters between my two ports, never settling on a permanent home, doomed to wander back and forth forever.
It's okay. The way I see it there's no such thing as having too broad of horizons. I'd rather be the person that seeks new avenues everyday rather than be the person who stays huddled in the familiar. Sure, it's safer to stay where you are, where you are comfortable, because you already know what to expect.
However, I imagine, every step you take outside of your comfort zone is one step closer to heaven.
one step closer
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
big fun

The beat is bloody based on "The Hustle". If you doubt me, just take a listen to the video above when it gets 1:48 in. There it is, the retro 70s classic in all its glory.
It's either that reason or because I'm easily distracted by clever choreography.
What I can't fully understand is why I listen to blatant pop songs in the first place. I mean--I consider myself to have discerning tastes. I listen to Rilo Kiley's songs covering topics like opposing the president and what it's like to be in an abusive relationship. I listen to Nellie McKay's call for a protest of Columbia University due to their propensity for testing on animals. Hell, I've even been known to listen to a Decemberist song or two which really belong in a Melville novel or something. Yet why do I also find myself listening to the likes of S Club 8, The MMC, PC Quest, and M2M? How can I mention songs about puppy love and partying in the same sentence as The Pierces' song about the disaffectation of American society? I really shouldn't be able to mention them in the same breath.
I guess that's my problem. I am a man serving two masters. On one hand, I love twisty, philosophical, and intelligent lyrics which explore mature themes. I love the way a Cure song can make my heart feel so sad and still capture my imagination. But, on the other hand, there is something about a well-crafted and terse pop song that is almost instinctually satisfying to me. I love how a good pop song can engage me on a basic level to want to sing along or get up and dance. I love how almost every pop song says the same damn thing (how nice love is, you should be happy, life is beautiful, &c...), yet manage to put their own unique spin on the theme. It's much like a good country song. You know what's coming, but you're always suprised at the presentation. I cannot honestly put my finger on which I love more. If I were a pretentious man, I wouldn't even admit to listening to the likes of the A*Teens because I know a grown man shouldn't be interested in the goings-on of teenagers. But it's really hard to find a good pop song recorded by adults for adults. So I go on loving them both.
I just don't see the need to distinguish between these two tastes. After all, people go to the latest fluff blockbuster one week and then a small artistic indie movie the next week without getting hassled. Or, more immediately, people read the newspaper every morning, yet like to get into the next big page-turner later that night. We all have needs to be met and, sad to say, one type of writing or film or, yes, music is enough to satisfy every craving. Sure, you may like to listen to Classic mostly, but every once in a while you've got to re-train your ears to something entirely different. As my friend once put it, you may like steak, but that doesn't mean you can eat it every night.
That would be amazing, though, if I could find totally innocuous lyrics set to artistically imperative music. If there were such a concoction that could engage both the mind and heart, I would be so down for that. It would be a thing of beauty.
But for now I must sail the choppy waters between my two ports, never settling on a permanent home, doomed to wander back and forth forever.
It's okay. The way I see it there's no such thing as having too broad of horizons. I'd rather be the person that seeks new avenues everyday rather than be the person who stays huddled in the familiar. Sure, it's safer to stay where you are, where you are comfortable, because you already know what to expect.
However, I imagine, every step you take outside of your comfort zone is one step closer to heaven.
one step closer
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: Commercialism vs. Artistic Integrity, S Club 8, Serious Work vs. Mass Appeal, The Hustle
At 2:47 AM,
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At 11:19 AM,
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At 7:55 PM,
alex said…
The old man read on and on. dexamethasone. It is nothing, she assured him in a moment, withdrawing the hand after he flomax had held it quite long enough.. The new house--I say new because tongue could not tell the amount of scouring, scalding, and whitewashing that that excellent housekeeper had done before a single stick of her furniture went into it--the new house, I repeat, prednisolone opened with six eating boarders at ten dollars a month apiece, and two eating and sleeping at eleven, besides Mr.. Poor Master Horner's distress may hardly be imagined. percocet. Podington looked about him, and, almost under estradiol his feet, saw the anchor.. in the form flomax of attention upon the stimulant.. I do not believe nasonex in the enterprise.. One hundred--going--and cialis fifty--gone! Mr.. 's speech in the zoloft dream.. The sun was hot upon him, and his thoughts were vague lidocaine and drowsy.. This paxil done, she stood him on his feet before Mrs.. It, moreover, agrees entirely with our expectations that the onanistic activity is again put off on the father, just as was the synthroid questioning in the first scene of the dream.. I am truly sorry you took offense, he said potassium regretfully.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies prevacid of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. So there xanax has been a dance, then! sighed Caroline...
At 12:54 AM,
alex said…
The old man read on and on. magnesium. It is nothing, she assured him in a moment, withdrawing the hand after he prevacid had held it quite long enough.. The new house--I say new because tongue could not tell the amount of scouring, scalding, and whitewashing that that excellent housekeeper had done before a single stick of her furniture went into it--the new house, I repeat, ultram opened with six eating boarders at ten dollars a month apiece, and two eating and sleeping at eleven, besides Mr.. Poor Master Horner's distress may hardly be imagined. amlodipine. Podington looked about him, and, almost under albuterol his feet, saw the anchor.. in the form augmentin of attention upon the stimulant.. I do not believe bactrim in the enterprise.. One hundred--going--and alprazolam fifty--gone! Mr.. 's speech in the actonel dream.. The sun was hot upon him, and his thoughts were vague adderall and drowsy.. This vicodin done, she stood him on his feet before Mrs.. It, moreover, agrees entirely with our expectations that the onanistic activity is again put off on the father, just as was the potassium questioning in the first scene of the dream.. I am truly sorry you took offense, he said viagra regretfully.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies viagra of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. So there diazepam has been a dance, then! sighed Caroline...
At 10:34 PM,
alex said…
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
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