You're All That I Ever Know, When You Smile All My Face Always Seems To Glow, You Turned My Life Around, You Picked Me Up When I Was Down
--"All My Life", K-Ci and Jojo
To my Breannie on her 27th...
I struggled for awhile with what to say regarding this momentous occasion. I thought of doing the usual poem. I contemplated doing a list of your virtues like I did a few years ago. In retrospect, though, they all seem kind of cheesy and lacking a certain grace that a milestone like this deserves. I'm quite sure you know by now how I feel. I'm also quite sure you know by now that that isn't going to change and that my writing about isn't going to make it any more real or any more valid than my telling you is. Just because I post it up for everyone and their mother to read doesn't make the sentiment more valid. So, yeah, poems and lists were out.
Then I started to think about what this birthday means not just to you but to me too. Did you know it will be officially the fourteenth birthday I'll be celebrating with you? That's amazing. That's officially more of your birthdays I've celebrated knowing you than not knowing you. Outside of family, I don't think there is anyone else I can say that about. Whatever happens between us from this point forward that is an accomplishment that will never be blemished. I actually lasted the distance with one person without driving them away. More to the point, you actually made good on your promise to keep me around despite my disbelief. You truly are the most stubborn individual I've ever known, Mrs. Holins-Meier, and I mean that in a good way. You didn't give up on me and you didn't let me give up on myself. Fourteen times I've been able to call you my friend on your birthday and fourteen times you've been able to say the same about me on mine. We've got ourselves quite a streak going, haven't we now?
This is not to say that the only reason I'm engaged into this relationship is the mere fact of its longevity. Yes, it is a source of pride to have a close friend like you for the better part of my life. Yes, it brings a smile to my face that a big chunk of my life is so thoroughly connected to yours. But if the only reason I had to be your friend was to set some kind of record, I'm very sure that there were a lot of other choices out there that would have proven far less stressful, saddening, and, at times, downright maddening. Let's face it, no one needs the kind of aggravation we can create betwixt us, B. I should have walked away a long time ago with the amount of grief you put me through. But I didn't. And you know why? Because my life is that much better with you in it than without you. The truth is people, especially me, can feel isolated even when surrounded by dozens or hundreds of people. The truth is people, especially me, can feel cut off even with as many blessings as I have. There's a special type of loneliness reserved for those who don't have anyone they can count on. That's a loneliness I've been fortunate enough never to have felt since I found you. That's the most important quality that keeps me coming back to you. You and I are a team no matter how far apart we are.
I thought long and hard about if I should go through with our original plan to meet in Chicago. I've heard all sorts of people advising against it for various reasons. True, I've heard a smattering of support, but they have been in quite the minority. I still don't know if it's the right thing to do or what kind of consequences it may have.
Like I said, all I know is my life is better with you in it than without you in it.
It's been too long since I've seen you and it pains me to go another ten years without seeing you.
So no more deliberation. I made you a promise I'd do something special for your birthday and we're going through with it. You're always telling me I think about my decisions too much after the fact so we're just going to have to make this trip what it is--two friends catching up after a long time apart. I'll make you another promise. Whatever hardships or entanglements arise, my investing this sojourn with more meaning than that will not be one of them. I swear this will be one of those what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago deals.
The tickets are bought. The Cubs and White Sox, deep dish pizza, and Lake Michigan await. There's only one question left.
Are you ready to have some fun, birthday girl?
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

I struggled for awhile with what to say regarding this momentous occasion. I thought of doing the usual poem. I contemplated doing a list of your virtues like I did a few years ago. In retrospect, though, they all seem kind of cheesy and lacking a certain grace that a milestone like this deserves. I'm quite sure you know by now how I feel. I'm also quite sure you know by now that that isn't going to change and that my writing about isn't going to make it any more real or any more valid than my telling you is. Just because I post it up for everyone and their mother to read doesn't make the sentiment more valid. So, yeah, poems and lists were out.
Then I started to think about what this birthday means not just to you but to me too. Did you know it will be officially the fourteenth birthday I'll be celebrating with you? That's amazing. That's officially more of your birthdays I've celebrated knowing you than not knowing you. Outside of family, I don't think there is anyone else I can say that about. Whatever happens between us from this point forward that is an accomplishment that will never be blemished. I actually lasted the distance with one person without driving them away. More to the point, you actually made good on your promise to keep me around despite my disbelief. You truly are the most stubborn individual I've ever known, Mrs. Holins-Meier, and I mean that in a good way. You didn't give up on me and you didn't let me give up on myself. Fourteen times I've been able to call you my friend on your birthday and fourteen times you've been able to say the same about me on mine. We've got ourselves quite a streak going, haven't we now?
This is not to say that the only reason I'm engaged into this relationship is the mere fact of its longevity. Yes, it is a source of pride to have a close friend like you for the better part of my life. Yes, it brings a smile to my face that a big chunk of my life is so thoroughly connected to yours. But if the only reason I had to be your friend was to set some kind of record, I'm very sure that there were a lot of other choices out there that would have proven far less stressful, saddening, and, at times, downright maddening. Let's face it, no one needs the kind of aggravation we can create betwixt us, B. I should have walked away a long time ago with the amount of grief you put me through. But I didn't. And you know why? Because my life is that much better with you in it than without you. The truth is people, especially me, can feel isolated even when surrounded by dozens or hundreds of people. The truth is people, especially me, can feel cut off even with as many blessings as I have. There's a special type of loneliness reserved for those who don't have anyone they can count on. That's a loneliness I've been fortunate enough never to have felt since I found you. That's the most important quality that keeps me coming back to you. You and I are a team no matter how far apart we are.
I thought long and hard about if I should go through with our original plan to meet in Chicago. I've heard all sorts of people advising against it for various reasons. True, I've heard a smattering of support, but they have been in quite the minority. I still don't know if it's the right thing to do or what kind of consequences it may have.
Like I said, all I know is my life is better with you in it than without you in it.
It's been too long since I've seen you and it pains me to go another ten years without seeing you.
So no more deliberation. I made you a promise I'd do something special for your birthday and we're going through with it. You're always telling me I think about my decisions too much after the fact so we're just going to have to make this trip what it is--two friends catching up after a long time apart. I'll make you another promise. Whatever hardships or entanglements arise, my investing this sojourn with more meaning than that will not be one of them. I swear this will be one of those what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago deals.
The tickets are bought. The Cubs and White Sox, deep dish pizza, and Lake Michigan await. There's only one question left.
Are you ready to have some fun, birthday girl?
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: Birthday, Breanne, Friendship, Gift
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