It's Tearing Up My Heart When I'm With You, But When We Are Apart I Feel It Too, And No Matter What I Do, I Feel The Pain, With Or Without You
--"Tearing Up My Heart", *NSYNC
To tell you the truth, I was always afraid of her. I was afraid of what she was and afraid of what she represented. I was afraid in the same manner that little kids are scared of the dark; we often fear what we don't know completely. It was quite clear at the beginning that I didn't know her too well. Surface stuff, attributes quickly gleaned from minutes long conversations, habitual tells--all those I internalized and stored away for future use. But the small nuances, the important qualities? All those came much later. For me, these were all the secrets that I wished to know immediately. That's why I was frightened of her, precisely because she wouldn't show all her cards right away. She demanded patience and it was patience I had a suffering lack of.
I almost folded it in. In the beginning she frustrated me. She caused me to doubt myself many a time. Who was this girl that was threatening me to be original? How dare she push me out of my comfortable zone. Those were the kinds of thoughts that were scraping my head almost every time we talked. This effect would only grow doubly worse on those occasions when I would see her. She never made it easy for me and I resented her for it. She saw right through my complacency. She saw fit to shatter it without reservations. You're better than that, she would say to me. Inside, I would be doubting if I truly was. It takes effort to turn your perception in on yourself and she was challenging me to make this effort almost every time we came into contact. That was her gift which became my curse.
Finally, the walls came down. I realized she wasn't going anywhere no matter how ornery I puffed myself up to be. She wasn't going to retreat. I saw there was no amount of force I could muster that would discourage her from her stated goal--namely, to be lifelong friends with me. Finally, armed with this inescapable truth, I relaxed my guard. I allowed myself to believe the hype that there are certain individuals who can sustain a friendship all by themselves. I put in my work too, but she has always been the driving force behind whatever this is. I follow where she leads, basically. That's the way it's always been. That's the way it's always going to be. It was easy to be led, actually. She presented a Utopian portrait of our future together. I bought into it completely. What other choice did I have? When you're presented with the option to purchase a life you never believed possible or remain with the same nondescript existence you had before, you opt for the dream every time. In choosing I ostensibly had no choice. Her offer was too good and I really had nothing of worth to lose by hearing her out.
I don't know exactly when my feeling for her changed. I don't even recall if it was I who modified them or if she started planting the idea into my head. Both theories are probable and both have their undeniable appeal. At any rate, as par the course any time two people who genuinely care for each other choose to spend the bulk of their time in each other's company, I fell hard for her. Not that she knew that. As much as I was denying it to everyone who would hear me, I even managed to fool myself. (Of course, I don't like her like that. She's my friend. I don't want to fuck that up.) It became a mantra for me. But it was easy to pierce through that particular veil. Anybody with eyes and ears could discern the warmth I held for her whenever I spoke about her. As well it was hard for me to deny that she was more than willing to reciprocate my feelings for her. All that was left was for someone to go first.
The first time we ended up going at the same time, a undeniable sign of just how in sync we were with each other.
If any period in our friendship could have been called our halcyon days, the period that followed that fateful trip would have been it. If any period in our friendship stands as the period I wish I could go back to most, this period would be voted quickly in. If any period in our friendship forever lives on in my memory, this is the period that will never die. I still managed to be frightened of her, but it was a healthy sense of fear. Banished were the notions of her intimidating me, only to be replaced by the terror of imagining my life without her. I wasn't afraid of her any more; I was afraid of losing her, of being without her, of her not wanting me any more. I don't know which is worse, fretting that you'll never attain your dream or fretting that your dream is about to end. Personally, I know it was much easier when I didn't know the spectacle all that well. Conjecturing about the existence and possibility of true happiness is far easier to deal with than staring it dead in the face and pleading with it not to walk away. Behind every smile I gave her were the tears of somebody deathly afraid of being left in its absence. She assured that would never be the case. She promised this is the way it could be till the end of time. Yet the promises made inevitably turn into the promises broken.
Yet it was I who broke her heart ironically enough. I, who had peppered her with queries about the reality of forever, was the one who halted things while everything was going good.
Yet it was I who told her we couldn't last.
Yet it was all me.
I told her to walk away. She did. But not completely. That's what damn maddening about the history of events. The story could have been written differently. I might not have said no. I might not have given it all up to spare myself from it not working out in the end. Out there in an alternate universe the two of us are happy or married or both. That would have been ideal. Alternately, she could have walked away completely. The casual stung of losing of such a precious commodity as her would have been excruciating at first, but given five or ten years even my poor, poor heart would have mended. It might have benefited me more had this scenario panned out. As Jenny once sang, "with every broken heart your heart should grow more adventurous." Free from the tyranny her being in my life enslaves me under, I might have searched for someone else, anyone else, more earnestly. That could have been my castle at the end of the rocky road. Instead, her being gone but never completely gone has instituted where I still am able to procure what little emotional nourishment necessary to call this a life, while never being able to settle on that brand of complete bliss. I'm stuck in a limbo that is both flat and expansive. I'm neither dying nor living. I'm neither in need of anything, but in want of everything. I exist, but do not live as such. I still have her, but feel alone.
That cannot stand.
That she's with someone else is inevitable. People move on as people will.
That I'm not is just pitiful. I don't move on because I'm less than a person.
It's this hope that brings to ruination every plan I make. I set out to better myself, to veer off on a new direction that will take me somewhere, anywhere which does not require her for me to be fulfilled. But every direction I take only reinforces the stark reality of my co-dependence on her. Even when I'm not in love with her, I still need her. Even when I don't need her, I rely on her. Even when I don't rely on her, I still miss her. Everything I do to try and compensate for the void she creates in me, only opens another void somewhere else. She plugs too many holes. She means too many things to me. Even if I could afford to lose one manifestation of her, I can ill afford to lose them all. The effect would be crippling. It'd be like making the piss boy walk the plank on a pirate ship and the whole crew deciding to mutiny. As my cousin Vincent quotes all the time, "you can't love people in slices." I can't separate one part of her to deny myself without denying all parts of her. Yet I can't quite have all parts of her so I'm compelled to relish the fifty or sixty percent I do have access to. After that, it's just hope that someday they'll be more. There's just the hope I'll again mean more to her than I already do.
Or maybe there isn't any hope. There's only the reality that my situation is untenable, unwinnable. In some respects there's still that fear of her. Only this time it's the fear that she'll forever be the one that got away. There's still that fear that she'll be the benchmark I judge everyone else on. There's still that fear that she made my life imperceptibly hopeless by providing me all this hope. There's still that fear that by her being so undeniably a force for good in my life she made everything else seem shades of bad. That's why I'm afraid of her now, because by being so dependable she became the only thing I can depend on and by being so loving and lovable... she'll be the only person I'll truly love.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

I almost folded it in. In the beginning she frustrated me. She caused me to doubt myself many a time. Who was this girl that was threatening me to be original? How dare she push me out of my comfortable zone. Those were the kinds of thoughts that were scraping my head almost every time we talked. This effect would only grow doubly worse on those occasions when I would see her. She never made it easy for me and I resented her for it. She saw right through my complacency. She saw fit to shatter it without reservations. You're better than that, she would say to me. Inside, I would be doubting if I truly was. It takes effort to turn your perception in on yourself and she was challenging me to make this effort almost every time we came into contact. That was her gift which became my curse.
Finally, the walls came down. I realized she wasn't going anywhere no matter how ornery I puffed myself up to be. She wasn't going to retreat. I saw there was no amount of force I could muster that would discourage her from her stated goal--namely, to be lifelong friends with me. Finally, armed with this inescapable truth, I relaxed my guard. I allowed myself to believe the hype that there are certain individuals who can sustain a friendship all by themselves. I put in my work too, but she has always been the driving force behind whatever this is. I follow where she leads, basically. That's the way it's always been. That's the way it's always going to be. It was easy to be led, actually. She presented a Utopian portrait of our future together. I bought into it completely. What other choice did I have? When you're presented with the option to purchase a life you never believed possible or remain with the same nondescript existence you had before, you opt for the dream every time. In choosing I ostensibly had no choice. Her offer was too good and I really had nothing of worth to lose by hearing her out.
I don't know exactly when my feeling for her changed. I don't even recall if it was I who modified them or if she started planting the idea into my head. Both theories are probable and both have their undeniable appeal. At any rate, as par the course any time two people who genuinely care for each other choose to spend the bulk of their time in each other's company, I fell hard for her. Not that she knew that. As much as I was denying it to everyone who would hear me, I even managed to fool myself. (Of course, I don't like her like that. She's my friend. I don't want to fuck that up.) It became a mantra for me. But it was easy to pierce through that particular veil. Anybody with eyes and ears could discern the warmth I held for her whenever I spoke about her. As well it was hard for me to deny that she was more than willing to reciprocate my feelings for her. All that was left was for someone to go first.
The first time we ended up going at the same time, a undeniable sign of just how in sync we were with each other.
If any period in our friendship could have been called our halcyon days, the period that followed that fateful trip would have been it. If any period in our friendship stands as the period I wish I could go back to most, this period would be voted quickly in. If any period in our friendship forever lives on in my memory, this is the period that will never die. I still managed to be frightened of her, but it was a healthy sense of fear. Banished were the notions of her intimidating me, only to be replaced by the terror of imagining my life without her. I wasn't afraid of her any more; I was afraid of losing her, of being without her, of her not wanting me any more. I don't know which is worse, fretting that you'll never attain your dream or fretting that your dream is about to end. Personally, I know it was much easier when I didn't know the spectacle all that well. Conjecturing about the existence and possibility of true happiness is far easier to deal with than staring it dead in the face and pleading with it not to walk away. Behind every smile I gave her were the tears of somebody deathly afraid of being left in its absence. She assured that would never be the case. She promised this is the way it could be till the end of time. Yet the promises made inevitably turn into the promises broken.
Yet it was I who broke her heart ironically enough. I, who had peppered her with queries about the reality of forever, was the one who halted things while everything was going good.
Yet it was I who told her we couldn't last.
Yet it was all me.
I told her to walk away. She did. But not completely. That's what damn maddening about the history of events. The story could have been written differently. I might not have said no. I might not have given it all up to spare myself from it not working out in the end. Out there in an alternate universe the two of us are happy or married or both. That would have been ideal. Alternately, she could have walked away completely. The casual stung of losing of such a precious commodity as her would have been excruciating at first, but given five or ten years even my poor, poor heart would have mended. It might have benefited me more had this scenario panned out. As Jenny once sang, "with every broken heart your heart should grow more adventurous." Free from the tyranny her being in my life enslaves me under, I might have searched for someone else, anyone else, more earnestly. That could have been my castle at the end of the rocky road. Instead, her being gone but never completely gone has instituted where I still am able to procure what little emotional nourishment necessary to call this a life, while never being able to settle on that brand of complete bliss. I'm stuck in a limbo that is both flat and expansive. I'm neither dying nor living. I'm neither in need of anything, but in want of everything. I exist, but do not live as such. I still have her, but feel alone.
That cannot stand.
That she's with someone else is inevitable. People move on as people will.
That I'm not is just pitiful. I don't move on because I'm less than a person.
It's this hope that brings to ruination every plan I make. I set out to better myself, to veer off on a new direction that will take me somewhere, anywhere which does not require her for me to be fulfilled. But every direction I take only reinforces the stark reality of my co-dependence on her. Even when I'm not in love with her, I still need her. Even when I don't need her, I rely on her. Even when I don't rely on her, I still miss her. Everything I do to try and compensate for the void she creates in me, only opens another void somewhere else. She plugs too many holes. She means too many things to me. Even if I could afford to lose one manifestation of her, I can ill afford to lose them all. The effect would be crippling. It'd be like making the piss boy walk the plank on a pirate ship and the whole crew deciding to mutiny. As my cousin Vincent quotes all the time, "you can't love people in slices." I can't separate one part of her to deny myself without denying all parts of her. Yet I can't quite have all parts of her so I'm compelled to relish the fifty or sixty percent I do have access to. After that, it's just hope that someday they'll be more. There's just the hope I'll again mean more to her than I already do.
Or maybe there isn't any hope. There's only the reality that my situation is untenable, unwinnable. In some respects there's still that fear of her. Only this time it's the fear that she'll forever be the one that got away. There's still that fear that she'll be the benchmark I judge everyone else on. There's still that fear that she made my life imperceptibly hopeless by providing me all this hope. There's still that fear that by her being so undeniably a force for good in my life she made everything else seem shades of bad. That's why I'm afraid of her now, because by being so dependable she became the only thing I can depend on and by being so loving and lovable... she'll be the only person I'll truly love.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: *NSYNC, Coping, Distance, Loneliness, separation
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