DAI Forumers

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And I Was Your Silver Lining, As The Story Goes, I Was Your Silver Lining, But Now I'm Gold

--"Silver Lining", Rilo Kiley


she - Hello?

him - Can I help you?

she - Eeyore. Good, I caught you. Ask me what kind of fool you have for a friend.

him - What kind is that?

she - Hold on, sugar. Let me get this close to the car. There. Can you hear that? Do you know what that is?

him - It sounds like a some kind of muffled sound. You said that's your car?

she - That is the sound of an engine purring like a content kitten in the pouring rain. That is also the sound of little 'ole me trying hard not to laugh in the rain. Now, back to your question. What kind of of fool do you have for a friend?

him - Let me guess. The kind that locks her keys in the car while leaving the engine running?

she - Oh, much worse by far. If that were only the extent of my foolhardiness.

him - How much worse can it be?

she - Hell's bells, as bad as the crashing into the telephone pole fiasco.

him - Wow. Really that bad. I have to hear this one.

she - Well, I figure I'd go and get some of the grocery shopping done even though there was a horrendous downpour fixing to drown us all and even though there's lightning flashing all over the place. I thought I'd be nice and make Greg a good dinner, seeing as we've been doing so well and all.

him - Yeah. And?

she - I really do feel like the fool here. Soaked. Embarrassed. You name it.

him - Come on. You called me for a reason.

she - Well, I come out to my car, two bags in hand, and what do I find? My poor Audi's been running for some while now.

him - You left it running the whole time you were in the store.

she - A good forty-five minutes, I reckon.

him - That's fucking hilarious. I swear, only you can have such awfulness happen to you in such a funny manner.

she - Shush up. It's bad enough I'm stuck here until Greg comes to pick me up. You're the one supposed to make me feel better.

him - Is that why you called?

she - That and I thought you'd get a kick out of my woeful predicament.

him - Oh, I am.

she - Hang on. I'm heading back for the safety of the store. Them flashes are getting awfully close. I don't want to be the next crispy critter found in the parking lot.


him - Is there anything specific you wanted me to say to make you feel better?

she - Nah. This is the non-specific, let-me-hear-the-sound-of-your-voice oh-woe-is-me kind of call, darling. When Greg gets here he's going to awfully riled up.

him - Yeah, I wouldn't want to be you right now.

she - You and me both.

him - So aside from the senility, how have you been doing? It's been some time since we talked.

she - Alright and alright. You know me, as long as I'm somewhat in control I do just fine.

him - The sabbatical's working well then?

she - As well as any time off can do for a workaholic like me? It's like I've been running a marathon these last few years and now's my time to just sit like a lump on a log for awhile. It's nice, really.

him - I'm glad. So no plans to come back yet?

she - Hell's bells, sugar. You'll know when I know.

him - Just as long as it's not forever.

she - I wouldn't abandon you like that. Who do you think I am? You?

him - Oh, funny. Actually, right now you could call me The Titanic.

she - You forget I've seen the goods. I reckon it'd be more like the S.S. Minnow.

him - Ouch.

she - Like my daddy always says, "when you feel a breeze, you shouldn't go around and call it a hurricane."

him - Split the difference? How about a nice zephyr? I've always liked that word.

she - I'm good with that.

but we will never fold

him - I'm glad to hear you and Greg are doing better.

she - Yeah, I was worried too.

him - You? Worry? Never.

she - I was. I didn't tell you because we both know how much you enjoy me talking about him, but I was scared for some time there.

him - Actually, I could tell. You wouldn't have done what you did if it hadn't been important.

she - Exactly.

him - But things are going smoothly now?

she - As smooth as Rocky Road. Nah, it's a bit better than that. We've gotten to a place where we're talking like we used to again. That's something, you know?

him - It is. Without talking you're pretty much dead in the water.

she - Exactly. Can I tell you something?

him - Shoot, Breannie.

she - I thought we were going to be one of those things.

him - One of those things?

she - You know, sugar, one of those things that you break and you can't ever fix again. It was getting to that point.

him - I know. I was worried about you too.

she - Now I'm starting to turn my mind around on the whole matter.

him - How's that?

she - Well, you should know.

him - I don't get what you're getting at.

she - It's silly. Forget I said anything, darling. Let's just talk about something else why I wait out this godawful rain.

him - No, I want to hear this. I want to know what I'm supposed to know.

she - Hell's bells. You know how I was mentioning thing about the other thing, about there being some things broken that can't ever be fixed?

him - Yes.

she - Well, I also believe there are some things that, once made, can't ever be broken, you know? Of course you know?

him - What? Wait. Oh, yeah, I get you. There are some things like that.

she - I know. All I'm saying is that I'm starting to really believe Greg and I are one of those things too. It's a nice feeling.

him - Well, we all need something to count on our lives.

she - Yeah.

him - Like how I can count on you getting yourself into all sorts of scrapes every couple of months...

she - Or how I can count on you taking everything I say the wrong you every couple of weeks...

him - Some things never change.

she - Some things you can always count on.

Listen. I've got some time before Greg gets here. Do you want to keep me company on the phone until he does?

him - Hmmm. Why would I ever want to do a thing like that?

she - I'll be your best friend, please, thank you.

him - I guess...

Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

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