I got returned a paper today and the professor had written on the back, David, I think you're being brilliant here, but this is so turgidly written it's hard to tell. Haha, it came off as a peculiarly un-qualified compliment to me--at the time; now I'm reconsidering. I've become sort of a believer in 'brut' writing when it comes to being technical or maximally forceful. Maybe it's so that the reader will have no illusions as to what they're agreeing to: They understand truly or have no clue; read on or walk away. Probably it's just unstylishness as trend. Writing style is a perpetual humbug to me and sometimes rockets to the status of bugbear. I can't help imitating, however feebly, whomever I read. Even when it's some perfectly dogmatic, syntactically monotone theory--I wanna be that voice. I'm not too worried though. I was in love with someone who was mildly autistic, and sometimes I fancy that while my ego was projected into her it got infused with some of that hypersensitivity and defensive detachment that makes my writing exhibit A) shameless apeing of other's styles B) stammering turgidity. That is such a flighty thing to think: that would be like the premise of the movie The Other Sister with autism as the gimmick/human cause adorning the plot.
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