The Waiting Is The Hardest Part, Everyday You See One More Card, You Take It On Faith, You Take It To The Heart, The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
--"The Waiting", Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
I am probably the most impatient person anyone has ever met. It extends from how I play games to how I talk to people, even to how I deal with waiting for mail. Once I know I want something I want it right then. Once I decide I dislike someone or something, it's as good as hated. I don't like small talk. I don't like playing guessing games ("guess where I want on Friday?" "Dude, just tell me.). I don't like very many surprises. I like knowing what's coming, how fast it can be there, and when I can start enjoying it.
So it was that I was waiting for latest package to arrive all week. All week at work I just kept playfully asking them if they thought it would arrive that day. On Monday, a mere day after I ordered it from Ebay, I was already inquiring if there was a snowball's chance in hell it could have shipped from Idaho that fast. On Tuesday, even though I had received an e-mail stating to the effect that it would only be shipping that day, I still was asking if a one-day turnaround was possible. I guess you could say I get overly anxious about everything I want to do. Even yesterday, I must have asked my cubicle mate a dozen times if she thought my package would be delivered that day. I don't like to wait, especially not for stuff I've been trying to buy for over a month.
To show you another way I express this restlessness or agitation that overcomes me when something I want is on the line, I used to play Magic with my cousins. A lot of those games would end when I would cast a spell that assured our mutual destruction. Sure, I could have held out and played out the game, but my impulsiveness won me over. I would rather end the game in a draw, as long as it meant my opponent lost, than be patient and try to win a long, drawn-out struggle. That's my purview. If one of my goals can be accomplished quickly, I'd rather do that, than try and see if I can accomplish all of my goals. Even people I don't like to dilly-dally with. I don't take an instant liking to many people. But when I do, I make sure to ingratiate myself with them as soon as possible. DeAnn, for instance, I went from talking with to exclusively dating with in less than five days. Even more telling was the fact I went from introducing myself to Miss Holins in mid-July to talking to her almost every night by the end of July.
I don't see the sense in putting off what I'm planning to do anyway. That'd be like buying a car one day and not driving it for a week. If I know I'm going to end up doing something anyway, then there's no time like the present. That's probably why I'm so bad at editing and critiquing myself. I'm very much a firm believer in the one-and-done theory. Once it's completed (preferably quickly), there's no point in reworking a project. Again, I don't have the patience that perfection requires. Give me good enough now rather than exquisite later on.
At any rate, my package arrived today, which was the impetus for this post so I think I'll end this post right here.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

So it was that I was waiting for latest package to arrive all week. All week at work I just kept playfully asking them if they thought it would arrive that day. On Monday, a mere day after I ordered it from Ebay, I was already inquiring if there was a snowball's chance in hell it could have shipped from Idaho that fast. On Tuesday, even though I had received an e-mail stating to the effect that it would only be shipping that day, I still was asking if a one-day turnaround was possible. I guess you could say I get overly anxious about everything I want to do. Even yesterday, I must have asked my cubicle mate a dozen times if she thought my package would be delivered that day. I don't like to wait, especially not for stuff I've been trying to buy for over a month.
To show you another way I express this restlessness or agitation that overcomes me when something I want is on the line, I used to play Magic with my cousins. A lot of those games would end when I would cast a spell that assured our mutual destruction. Sure, I could have held out and played out the game, but my impulsiveness won me over. I would rather end the game in a draw, as long as it meant my opponent lost, than be patient and try to win a long, drawn-out struggle. That's my purview. If one of my goals can be accomplished quickly, I'd rather do that, than try and see if I can accomplish all of my goals. Even people I don't like to dilly-dally with. I don't take an instant liking to many people. But when I do, I make sure to ingratiate myself with them as soon as possible. DeAnn, for instance, I went from talking with to exclusively dating with in less than five days. Even more telling was the fact I went from introducing myself to Miss Holins in mid-July to talking to her almost every night by the end of July.
I don't see the sense in putting off what I'm planning to do anyway. That'd be like buying a car one day and not driving it for a week. If I know I'm going to end up doing something anyway, then there's no time like the present. That's probably why I'm so bad at editing and critiquing myself. I'm very much a firm believer in the one-and-done theory. Once it's completed (preferably quickly), there's no point in reworking a project. Again, I don't have the patience that perfection requires. Give me good enough now rather than exquisite later on.
At any rate, my package arrived today, which was the impetus for this post so I think I'll end this post right here.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: immediate gratification, Impatience, Joy, Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers, waiting
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