Oh, Loving Eyes, They Cannot See, A Certain Person Could Never Be, Love Runs Deeper Than Any Ocean, It Clouds Your Mind With Emotion
--"Everybody Plays The Fool", The Main Ingredient
Yet another reason I hate lists...
80 Questions That I Could Not or Cannot Now Answer:
1. Why can't she love me?
2. Is she too young?
3. Am I ready?
4. Is she ready?
5. Do I value her more as a friend or as something potentially more?
6. Is it wrong to want something different than what she wants?
7. Am I sacrificing a sure thing that makes me happy for something that has the potential to make me happier, but also has the potential to lose me everything?
8. Should I tell her how I'm feeling now or wait until some of these questions have been answered.
9. If I can make her see where I'm at, would it scare her away?
10. Is it really happening?
11. Can I trust her answers or is she just telling me what I want to hear?
12. Would it be better if I backed off?
13. Would it be better if I waited a few years?
14. Am I really going to go ahead with this?
15. Does she even really know who I am and what she's getting herself into?
16. Is it just a question of time?
17. Is it always this difficult to accept I'm getting what I asked for or am I always going to be this skeptical about everything going my way too easily?
18. Do I accept her invitation?
19. Can I trust myself alone with her?
20. What are her parents going to think of me?
21. What are my parents going to say when I tell them I'm missing Christmas to fly clear across the country?
22. Am I really going to do this?
23. Am I really here with her, seeing her in all her beauty, hearing her with all her charms and graces, holding her hand for the very first time?
24. Is she disappointed now that she's finally met me in person?
25. Should I kiss her and do I dare?
26. Is this really happening or am I just fooling myself into thinking she's experiencing it in exactly the same way I am?
27. Do I let her in?
28. Should I tell her to go before we're caught?
29. Do I even want her to go?
30. Would she even stay the whole night next to me?
31. Can she be this completely right for me?
32. Can this weekend get any more sublime?
33. Am I setting myself up for a crash when I have to go home again?
34. Is there any way I can stay for a couple more days?
35. Will I ever have to go through another good-bye as sad as this one?
36. Am I always going to miss her this me when we're separated from now on?
37. Is it love and do I really care to make the distinction?
38. Can I just let myself enjoy whatever this is for the time being?
39. Should I fly out again, knowing full well what will probably end up happening?
40. Should I go along with her charade that we'll be staying home and that's it?
41. Do I really want to go through with this?
42. Is this really what she wants or is she doing this solely to make me happy?
43. Can I ever live with myself if I turn down this opportunity in an effort to do the "right" thing?
44. Has she ever looked more beautiful than she does tonight?
45. Is there ever going to be a more perfect night than tonight and will it be the night every other night gets compared to?
46. How much has the world changed now?
47. How can I ever say good-bye now?
48. Is what we're doing really fair to her or to me?
49. Do we even stand a chance?
50. Is she really pregnant?
51. What should I do?
52. Am I really ready to be trapped into an entire life with her?
53. Will everything get back to normal again now that the scare is over?
54. Can I handle her talking about seeing other people?
55. Does she still feel the same way about me like she did a year ago?
56. Are we still the same people we were when we first met?
57. Do I want her coming over here with everything still so up in the air?
58. Did we always fight this much and is this what our future will consist of from now on?
59. Am I still in love with her and her with me?
60. Should I be supportive of her and him?
61. Is it just jealousy that fuels me or is it me actually regretting my decision?
62. Should I go to the wedding?
63. Should I just apologize for not going?
64. Is eight months of not speaking to me a sign that this time I've finally crossed the last line and are we truly over?
65. Can we really stay friends after all this heartache and turmoil?
66. Should I ask her to join me so at least we can stay in touch somewhere on a regular basis?
67. Have things really gotten better or does it just seem that way?
68. Do I encourage her feelings of disappointment over her marriage or do I play the optimistic friend, encouraging her to keep hope alive even though I want her for myself?
69. Is it wrong to want a married woman if she keeps insisting I'm doing nothing wrong?
70. Should I go to Chicago with her?
71. Will she really leave him?
72. What the hell are we now and how the hell do I describe her to other people?
73. Is it finally time to give up on that dream?
74. Can I be happy just being her friend?
75. Did I miss my chance at true happiness?
76. Is it wrong to still love her like that?
77. Will I ever get over her?
78. Will I ever meet someone else?
79. Is she really the one?
80. Why can't she love me?
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

80 Questions That I Could Not or Cannot Now Answer:
1. Why can't she love me?
2. Is she too young?
3. Am I ready?
4. Is she ready?
5. Do I value her more as a friend or as something potentially more?
6. Is it wrong to want something different than what she wants?
7. Am I sacrificing a sure thing that makes me happy for something that has the potential to make me happier, but also has the potential to lose me everything?
8. Should I tell her how I'm feeling now or wait until some of these questions have been answered.
9. If I can make her see where I'm at, would it scare her away?
10. Is it really happening?
11. Can I trust her answers or is she just telling me what I want to hear?
12. Would it be better if I backed off?
13. Would it be better if I waited a few years?
14. Am I really going to go ahead with this?
15. Does she even really know who I am and what she's getting herself into?
16. Is it just a question of time?
17. Is it always this difficult to accept I'm getting what I asked for or am I always going to be this skeptical about everything going my way too easily?
18. Do I accept her invitation?
19. Can I trust myself alone with her?
20. What are her parents going to think of me?
21. What are my parents going to say when I tell them I'm missing Christmas to fly clear across the country?
22. Am I really going to do this?
23. Am I really here with her, seeing her in all her beauty, hearing her with all her charms and graces, holding her hand for the very first time?
24. Is she disappointed now that she's finally met me in person?
25. Should I kiss her and do I dare?
26. Is this really happening or am I just fooling myself into thinking she's experiencing it in exactly the same way I am?
27. Do I let her in?
28. Should I tell her to go before we're caught?
29. Do I even want her to go?
30. Would she even stay the whole night next to me?
31. Can she be this completely right for me?
32. Can this weekend get any more sublime?
33. Am I setting myself up for a crash when I have to go home again?
34. Is there any way I can stay for a couple more days?
35. Will I ever have to go through another good-bye as sad as this one?
36. Am I always going to miss her this me when we're separated from now on?
37. Is it love and do I really care to make the distinction?
38. Can I just let myself enjoy whatever this is for the time being?
39. Should I fly out again, knowing full well what will probably end up happening?
40. Should I go along with her charade that we'll be staying home and that's it?
41. Do I really want to go through with this?
42. Is this really what she wants or is she doing this solely to make me happy?
43. Can I ever live with myself if I turn down this opportunity in an effort to do the "right" thing?
44. Has she ever looked more beautiful than she does tonight?
45. Is there ever going to be a more perfect night than tonight and will it be the night every other night gets compared to?
46. How much has the world changed now?
47. How can I ever say good-bye now?
48. Is what we're doing really fair to her or to me?
49. Do we even stand a chance?
50. Is she really pregnant?
51. What should I do?
52. Am I really ready to be trapped into an entire life with her?
53. Will everything get back to normal again now that the scare is over?
54. Can I handle her talking about seeing other people?
55. Does she still feel the same way about me like she did a year ago?
56. Are we still the same people we were when we first met?
57. Do I want her coming over here with everything still so up in the air?
58. Did we always fight this much and is this what our future will consist of from now on?
59. Am I still in love with her and her with me?
60. Should I be supportive of her and him?
61. Is it just jealousy that fuels me or is it me actually regretting my decision?
62. Should I go to the wedding?
63. Should I just apologize for not going?
64. Is eight months of not speaking to me a sign that this time I've finally crossed the last line and are we truly over?
65. Can we really stay friends after all this heartache and turmoil?
66. Should I ask her to join me so at least we can stay in touch somewhere on a regular basis?
67. Have things really gotten better or does it just seem that way?
68. Do I encourage her feelings of disappointment over her marriage or do I play the optimistic friend, encouraging her to keep hope alive even though I want her for myself?
69. Is it wrong to want a married woman if she keeps insisting I'm doing nothing wrong?
70. Should I go to Chicago with her?
71. Will she really leave him?
72. What the hell are we now and how the hell do I describe her to other people?
73. Is it finally time to give up on that dream?
74. Can I be happy just being her friend?
75. Did I miss my chance at true happiness?
76. Is it wrong to still love her like that?
77. Will I ever get over her?
78. Will I ever meet someone else?
79. Is she really the one?
80. Why can't she love me?
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: list, Questions, The Main Ingredient, thought process, unrequited love
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