--"Pollen and Salt", Daphne Loves Derby
Do you remember the first peanut butter and jelly sandwich you ever had? I certainly don't. I mean--ask anyone--I'm probably the biggest fan of peanut butter you'll ever meet. I have been known to take an ice cream scooper in order to just eat two scoops of peanut butter in a bowl. Despite that, I cannot even hazard a guess how long ago it was when I had my first taste of the good stuff. Whether it was before I knew words or after, before or after I started going to school--it's all hazy to me.
I find that there are just some things which are uplifting and good, which put a smile on your face for simply existing that you cannot imagine a time they weren't in your life. It's like trying to imagine when the first time you heard music or the first time you walked outside into a perfect day. You know what they're like know because you've seen your fair share of them, but you'd be hard-pressed to recall the first time you experienced them. It isn't like your first kiss or the first time you rode a bicycle. Plenty anniversaries exist with which you can celebrate, but there are some inalienable joys that don't come with origins or anecdotes. They've just always been there and probably always will be. These joys have been filling a hole in your life for so long you scarce remember there was a hole there in the first place.
Now imagine what it's like when something like that gets taken away. Imagine what it would be like if there were no peanut butter in the world and you'd know how I'm feeling about now.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

I find that there are just some things which are uplifting and good, which put a smile on your face for simply existing that you cannot imagine a time they weren't in your life. It's like trying to imagine when the first time you heard music or the first time you walked outside into a perfect day. You know what they're like know because you've seen your fair share of them, but you'd be hard-pressed to recall the first time you experienced them. It isn't like your first kiss or the first time you rode a bicycle. Plenty anniversaries exist with which you can celebrate, but there are some inalienable joys that don't come with origins or anecdotes. They've just always been there and probably always will be. These joys have been filling a hole in your life for so long you scarce remember there was a hole there in the first place.
Now imagine what it's like when something like that gets taken away. Imagine what it would be like if there were no peanut butter in the world and you'd know how I'm feeling about now.
Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers
Labels: Comfortability, Daphne Loves Derby, filling the void, peanut butter, Routine
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