DAI Forumers

Friday, March 10, 2006


As of 1:55pm in Riverside, California, I am 20 years old in Bombay, India. Which means that in some twisted way, my moving to California when I was young, I stole 13.5 more hours of life from Death Himself.

I think I'll update again when it's my adjusted(actual) birthday, March 11th, 3:25am. But maybe not... I might be too drunk to do it.

And that's all folks.


  • At 8:21 PM, Blogger HeartlessCloud said…

    Your last name is NOT Ramnath... @_@


    My last name is...Ramnauth.

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger 30 50 said…

    We had this hilariously long discussion about the international dateline one time; you could've sworn we were drunk. It went something like, if according to law you need time to have distance and speed, what happens if you saddle the dateline where there really isn't time? And then, what time zone would you be in if you were at the center of the earth?

    Then someone chimed in with their "timezones are manmade" nonsense and crashed the party.

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger Mode said…

    @Heartless: ARE YOU SERIOUS? THAT'S SUCH A CRAZY COINCIDENCE!!! You are now my East Coast Brethren!

    @Alex: Hahaha! Drunk discussions are some of the most enjoyable things on the planet.


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