Studying. Trying To Stay On Top Of Things.

I'm taking a little break from studying for my Physics midterm. But I've got most of The Pillows' discography lined up in the background. God, I love this band. In their early days you could hear heavy influence from The Smiths and The Pixies, and as they progressed, they added more and more loungey acid jazz and Steve Miller style elements, and then BAM! out came, "Please Mr. Lostman" which rocked harder than all their previous albums. They began to turn into this very distinctive alternative rock to which they've stuck to this day. Simply awesome.
Doesn't the cover of "Please Mr. Lostman" vaguely remind you of the basic set to Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett? It looked almost the same as the cover of the play... at least the edition I read. By the way, they're not really that old, they're in their early 30's around the time this album was released. But all the more reason for me to think it's a reference to Waiting For Godot. The protagonists are old men.
Oh yeah, I also need to shave and get a haircut. This scruffy bum look won't go over well with my 'rents.
Anyway, back to work.
That's all folks.
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