DAI Forumers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Know You Think That I Shouldn't Still Love You, Or Tell You That, But If I Didn't Say It, Well, I'd Still Have Felt It, Where's The Sense In That?

--"White Flag", Dido

ms - Surprised?

b - A little. What do you want?

ms - How are you doing?

b - I'm kind of irritated right now.

ms - Understandable. But I mean--how's married life?

b - Is this really why you called?

ms - No.

b - Then why?

ms - I wanted to talk to you.

b - After eight months you suddenly want to talk. It doesn't work that way. You can't come and leave as you please.

ms - Not suddenly. I've been meaning to call.

b - Let me guess. You never got around to it.

ms - I didn't think you'd want to talk to me. I didn't want to bother you.

b - I might still not. I'm wondering why I am at this very moment. Explain to me why I don't just hang up on you. Explain to me why little 'ole me should even be talking to you at all.

ms - I can't. I messed up. You're able to do whatever you want.

b - I should be placing this telephone down now and be walking away right now. I should be forgetting you as quickly as possible. I should be doing a half-million other endeavors besides wasting my time with you again.

ms - Yet here we are.

b - Here we are.

ms - If you want to hang up, I understand. That's well within your rights.

b - Hell's bells, if I wanted to hang up I would've.

ms - If I said I was sorry, would that be enough to make things normal?

b - Sorry doesn't even begin to cover it.

ms - I didn't think so.

b - I just want to know why.

ms - You knew I couldn't show up. You know why.

b - I wanted you there. You were supposed to be there. What kind of jackass friend doesn't show up to a wedding?

ms - The horrible kind?

b - The worst kind. Then you go and compound it by not even apologizing. Eight months?

ms - I know. I'm sorry.

b - Tell me why, then.

ms - Why what?

b - Why everything. If you knew you were in the wrong, if you knew that, then why wait? Why didn't you call me a week after, a month after, any time besides eight months later?

ms - I couldn't face you. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to ask my way back into your life again.

b - So your plan was to abandon me. That's just great.

ms - Please don't start that. I didn't come here to cause you any more grief. I just wanted to tell you a few things before we go our separate ways.

b - Oh really? This I have to hear.

ms - You know this is hard for me, Breanne. You can be mad, but try and understand that I'm doing my best to explain stuff to you. I could've just not called and let you stay pissed at me from a distance. I'm trying to do the right thing here. I thought I could do that much for you.

b - Fine. Speak.

ms - I've always adored you, Breanne. I've always cared about you. I've always tried to do right by you by being there when you needed me and staying out of your way when you needed your space. I thought this was a situation where you needed time to yourself... or even the rest of your life to yourself.

b - You thought I thought we were through?

ms - I guess. I kind of thought I was sparing you the trouble.

b - Oh, I see. You were purposefully avoiding me for my benefit. Well, please, thank you for that. Do you know how lazy that sounds?

ms - I thought it'd be easier. You had Greg. I fucked up. I thought it was a perfect time to move things forward to where they needed to be.

b - You decided this all on your lonesome?

ms - Yes.

b - You never consulted me. You never asked me what I wanted. You never thought how much this would hurt me.

ms - I thought it would be better.

b - So, on top of not showing up to my wedding you also decided to drop out of my life completely?

ms - A little.

b - You don't just drop out of someone's life a little. You either do or you don't.

ms - Then, yeah, I guess I did.

b - I should just hang up now.

ms - Maybe you should.

b - Why even call at all then?

ms - I missed you. I thought you deserved an explanation why and I thought maybe I could say good-bye once and for all.

b - Well, I reckon if that's all you're calling for then I won't stand in your way. Good-bye.

ms - Well, you know that's not all that I'm calling for.

b - Then what?

ms - I don't know.

b - If you want something from me then you're going to have to explain it to me.

ms - I want things back to normal like they were.

b - Before you fucked me over?

ms - I suppose.

b - I thought you wanted out of my life.

ms - Not really.

b - I thought my being married now would be too hard for you.

ms - Not that hard.

b - Which is it? Because Greg's not going anywhere.

ms - I know that. I'm aware of that.

b - And I'm not leaving him.

ms - Yes.

b - So the only question is if you can handle that? If you can't, just hang up and never call me again.

ms - I think I can.

b - You need to be sure.

ms - The only thing I can say is that I'll try. This is new territory for me. I kind of always thought we would be together... eventually.

b - It's too late for that.

ms - Obviously.

b - But it's not too late for us, you know? I'm still as mad as all hell about what you did, but it's nothing I can't forgive you for... eventually. You know me, Patrick, I spark as quick as a firecracker, but I putter out just as quick. It wouldn't have taken eight months to get over this. I'm not that stubborn, am I?

ms - I didn't know what you were going to say.

b - I would have chewed your ear off like I am now, but I would have been okay. I wouldn't have just dismissed you out of turn.

ms - I wouldn't have blamed you if you had.

b - You make me so mad sometimes. You try and control all these things. You try and control me. You're the one who ran away and yet you still think you're being the gentleman by staying away. Well, what on God's green earth gave you the impression that what you did was unforgivable?

ms - I just thought...

b - You thought that I was going to be unreasonable and tell you to stay the hell away from me forever?

ms - Kind of.

b - Is that what you really think of me?

ms - No.

b - Have I ever said that to you and meant it?

ms - No.

b - I need you. You're like kin to me. You don't tell family to never come back. You just don't.

ms - I've never screwed you over this bad before, though.

b - That's true. I'm not saying I didn't think about it. Shutting the door on you is exactly what my parents, Greg, everyone was telling me I should do. If he doesn't want to even apologize or explain himself then they said that you didn't deserve a second chance. There was a large part of me that didn't think there was any excuse that could explain all of this mess away.

ms - And now?

b - You're family. Family's going to get you boiling mad sometimes, you know?

But you know what else?

ms - What?

b - They only do it because they love you. I'm sure you had your reasons. I even understand a few of them, but the bottom line is you thought you were doing what was best for both of us.

ms - I know how I'd be. I didn't want to ruin it...

b - You still should have came.

ms - I still should've. I realize now that it's going to be those days that I can never get back. Ten years from now, fifteen years from now, I'm going to wish I was there. I'm going to wish that I was there to see it, to see you up there, to see how lovely and happy and crazy you were on that day. Sure, I would have been sad. But I think I could've been happy for you too.

b - Now I'll never get to dance in my wedding dress at my wedding with you. That was a promise you broke and we'll never get back. One dance at my wedding even though you don't dance, that's what you promised.

ms - I did promise that.

b - Let's make sure you don't break any more promises to me, okay? I don't want to be having this same cycle of having to break and repair us every year, you know?

ms - That's good to hear.

b - You should have called earlier.

ms - I should've.

b - I missed you too. There's so much I wanted to tell you. It's like wanting some milk but having no glasses to pour it into, you know?

ms - Well, you can tell me now.

b - You're my foundation. You can't just leave, sugar. It's not allowed.

ms - Never again, I swear.

Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

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