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Friday, November 26, 2010

Girlfriend, Oh, Your Girlfriend Is Drifting Away, Past And Present, 1855, 1901, Watch Them Build Up A Meteor Tower, Think It's Not Gonna Stay Anyway

--"1901", Phoenix

Sometimes it's rather easy to get fooled into believing I'm the only one writing a blog. I write these stories that involve all these people I know and posit that my account is the only account of the events as they occurred. I'm not saying I don't know I'm biased, but it's rather easy to forget objectivity when all I ever get to read and reminisce about is the movie reel of my memories. I know I'm biased. I know that I forget certain key aspects of the milestones I've been through. All I can say is that everything I write here is represented as an anecdote, sometimes dressed up for dramatic purposes and sometimes incomplete due to my shoddy memory.

Lately it's been called into question whether or not the other participants of my stories would see things quite the same way. Well, I'm happy to report that, should any of you have lingering concerns, I'm no longer the be-all, end-all when it comes to sources of information concerning that period in my life. Almost everyone I know has some web presence. As you know, you can always contact Lucy and Marion here or at their Twitter accounts. However, I'm here to let you know that there are other sources you can ask.


Tara, the girl I once forgot how she looked like, I recently discovered is writing her own blog. It's entitled The Guerra Girls and mostly concerns her two young daughters. She doesn't list an e-mail address, but it would be quick work to discover one linking from this site.

And DeAnn, my most recent girlfriend and the only girl I ever lived with, had a blog too, but I think it's recently been abandoned. However, if one is truly insistent about gathering her take on me, our history, or anything else under the sun, she does list her Facebook account publicly--DeAnn.


A caveat here--I don't actually keep in contact with either Tara or DeAnn. I believe the last time I spoke to Tara was a month after I started dating DeAnn. And I believe the last time DeAnn and I exchanged letters was a few years back. Therefore, I'm not telling you to rush right out and bother either of them. I don't know--I just kind of wanted it out there that the people in my life have their viewpoints too and that their lives continued to flourish and change after knowing me. It's a little easy for me to forget that simply because I stopped talking to them or living with them that their lives don't just suddenly end. When I write these pieces about them here, sometimes it sounds like they're merely characters in my biography, that all they ever are to me are secondary personalities whose only purpose is to reflect back upon me.

It just isn't true.

Every story I relate here is just that, a story. They're almost always taken out of context. They're almost always tailored to illustrate a message. But what they aren't are finite things. Most of them do not have a recognizable beginning, middle, and end. Indeed, most of the dust-ups, meaningful conversations, or important events are almost always precipitated by months and months of build-up and are almost always followed by months and months of fallout. It simply wouldn't be manageable to put every little detail involving these steps into my post here. It would just be impractical.

It's also important to me that you readers know that most times the people who know me reflect very little about our time together, whereas I tend to obsess. I'm equal parts happy for DeAnn and Tara for moving on and sad at the ease with which they did it. I glance through their pictures. I read through their posts. All I'm left is with the idea that they've moved on and the notion that in grand scheme of things I was but a momentary blip on their radars, barely worth mentioning.

So, yeah, sometimes it makes me feel awkward that I spend so much time spilling stories here about two young woman that I saw for a time and most times they spend very little time talking about me. Yet it's no more awkward than it needs to be. I'm not trying to hide anything here. I'm not trying to fabricate stories about them that casts them in an evil light. And it's all because I know that were I to say anything malicious or ill-conceived they're swimming around in the same waters as I do. I also know that if they ever get a hankering to come looking me up it would be an easy task to come find me here as it was an easy task for me to come find them at those two places.

If ever something I say comes into question concerning them, now you can go right to the source and ask them if my memory is their memory. Accountability is very important to me, especially when it comes to the facts of the matter. I mean--if this blog was mostly opinion after opinion as most blogs are then, yeah, it wouldn't matter so much if you could verify my sources. But because this blog is more or less about the story of my life, it should be reassuring to know that there are other witnesses that can be called into testify. That way I can rest assured that the truth will get out, whether or not it has been lost to me along the way.

Yours Swimmingly,
mojo shivers

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