But not of the narcotic kind.
My Journalism teacher called us back one by one to discuss our grades. He says most of my papers are in the C range, and that my grade is a D because of some missed assignments. He recommended that I withdraw from the class (deadline is Friday to withdraw) and try to take it again once my writing has improved, and also since I'm a Freshman (Freshmen usually don't take the class).
I'm kinda disappointed, but I guess it would be for the best. I'll have a small advantage if I take it again next semester, anyway. I'm gonna talk to my mom about it for a second opinion later, and then make my decision. The worse part is that I really worked my ass off in that class, and it's come down to this. Blah.
My Journalism teacher called us back one by one to discuss our grades. He says most of my papers are in the C range, and that my grade is a D because of some missed assignments. He recommended that I withdraw from the class (deadline is Friday to withdraw) and try to take it again once my writing has improved, and also since I'm a Freshman (Freshmen usually don't take the class).
I'm kinda disappointed, but I guess it would be for the best. I'll have a small advantage if I take it again next semester, anyway. I'm gonna talk to my mom about it for a second opinion later, and then make my decision. The worse part is that I really worked my ass off in that class, and it's come down to this. Blah.
At 3:30 PM,
David said…
That's tough, man. Personally I would probably just blast through to the end, especially if you understand the content and it's just homework bogging you down. If you'll be intellectually prepared for the higher level course (assuming this is an area you are specializing in) that's of prime importance. On the other hand, if this counts toward your major GPA it might be wisest to retake it.
You could also see whether your school allows retakes for low final grades--no new credit but changing your transcript. Even if you just withdraw it might be good to audit for the rest of the semester, so you can ace it all the way through next time.
Anyway I've also been sort of ahead of schedule when it comes to class levels. On the one hand that's cool but on the other hand my major GPA could be .3 or .4 higher if I hadn't rushed things, which has made my prospects for dept. honors marginal.
If you're still thinking of transfering to NYU, too, you really want the Maj GPA as high as possible.
My last observation is simply that, in college, harder classes now does not mean an easier time later. But at the same time taking easy classes to fill credits is even worse because you stagnate intellectually.
At 4:33 PM,
Ghetto FOBulous said…
It was my understanding that you can retake the class later to get a better grade whether you finish the class or not. Yes, no?
But anyway, what I've learned in school is no grade is final. If you have the salesman skills you can probably talk your way into a higher grade. I'd say meet with him again and see if you can arrange to do a little extra work that can improve your grade. Worst case scenario, you have to write some extra papers. But best case scenario, you'll be sleeping your way to the top. ^_~
At 5:14 PM,
HeartlessCloud said…
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At 5:15 PM,
HeartlessCloud said…
Yeah, I definitely hear that, david (and holy crap to you remembering the whole NYU thing ^_^). The problem is that I have to keep a certain GPA to keep pulling in grant money, because without it, I'm not gonna be in college for some time.
I get what you mean about it not necessarily being easier next time around, but I figured since I learned the material, I'd have a bit of a heads up to what I need to work on. I'm thinking of auditing as well.
FOB, that would be possible with anyone but him. He's got this extreme "if you can't pass the normal credit, you can't pass the extra credit" mentality. I'm still gonna talk to him, though, see what else I should consider.
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